Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tough Knowing Knowles? In the Pursuit of Self-Directed Learning

My whole learning life and being can be summed up with the same questions  I now ask my children..."So what have you learned?  Now, how can you apply that?  And, where does this lead to?"  Then the cycle repeats itself.

I am not saying that everything we do from the moment of birth on is related to education and the transfer of knowledge, but pretty much we are creatures created to take in information and then either apply or not apply what we have gleaned, but have you gone through a day where in some thought or action has not lead to anything?

I have been doing this same process for myself for over 40 years, and yet it is until in recent academic history that this whole concept has become studied and more formalized with theories and names in a more scholarly fashion.  I have asked my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents about how whey learn, you know...the "wh" questions....and to them learning has also been life-long, never ending and for the most part self-learned.

We are all walking around learning "junkies."  Some of us take the initiative to seek out knowledge and the transference to ourselves and this is why I have created this little spot on the virtual planet to discuss, share and further the pursuits related to, in and around the topic of androgogy and the self-directed learner.

It is meant to be a self-reflection as this idea came about in my pursuit of knowledge, but I want to take this topic one step further and become a touchpoint to interesting concepts, ideas, theories, and just to find the "neat stuff" surrounding the ideas that link the world of adult education to the concept that has been coined Self-Directed Learning or Androgogy.

I invite you to engage and join me in this topic area and have a bit of fun discussing what it is like to be an adult learner--what works, what doesn't work, what we understand or are having issues understanding.  My hopes is this interaction and collaboration results in meaningful debate and who knows, scholarly thoughts sparking those of us who truly do enjoy being the self-directed adult learner.